A special screen of the documentary “A New Story for Humanity” will happen for one night only in Narrabeen.
Set for Thursday, the 27th of June 2019, the event will begin at 7:15 p.m. at the Lakeview Room of the Narrabeen Tramshed Community Centre on Pittwater Road.
Hosted by the Permaculture Northern Beaches, the event will also have a discussion about the movie with ecologist Walden Berry.
“A New Story for Humanity” features the crossroads humans face as progress and

The movie also aims to enlighten a new generation to build a different future for mankind using adaptable solutions. After watching this film, viewers will find that the tools to change the world are already at their disposal.
Apart from film screening, a swap table will be set up for guests to drop or pick up plants and seeds for contribution or swapping. Soup, tea and coffee will be provided.
This event is part of Permaculture Northern Beaches’ winter soup and film night. Admission is for $5 for members and $8 for non-members, which will be collected at the door.