Narrabeen Local Receives Australian Bravery Decoration

Narrabeen Local Honoured With an Australian Bravery Decoration

A Narrabeen local was honoured for rescuing a 91-year-old para-glider who crashed into the ocean in 2020. He is among the recipients of the 2022 Australian Bravery Decoration.

The Australian Bravery Decoration is awarded to 26 courageous individuals who risked their lives to help others. One of these is Kiwi expatriate Te Reo Haronga of Narrabeen.

The decorations awarded were the Bravery Medal (6), Bar to the Bravery Medal (1), Commendation for Bravery Conduct (13), and Group Bravery Citation (6).

“The awards I am announcing today recognise people who, in a moment of peril, were selfless and brave. Confronted with danger, they chose to help others,” the Governor General announced during the ceremony held in August.

“On behalf of all Australians, I congratulate recipients and offer our thanks for their brave action. I encourage recipients to wear their Australian Bravery Decoration with pride,” he added.

Te Reo Haronga

Te Reo Haronga
Photo Credit: Te Reo Haronga / Facebook

In the afternoon of 15 November 2020, Teo Reo Haronga went fishing on the rocks of Warriewood Headland. While fishing, he saw paraglider Jos Bots crash into the ocean.

Mr Bots struggled to stay afloat as he got entangled in his parachute and tried to hold onto the rocks. It didn’t take long before he was swept away, reaching as far as 10 metres from shore. Teo wasted no time and hurried to the cliff face and jumped into the water to pull the 91-year-old to safety.

Te Reo Haronga joins 25 other people who were honoured for their acts of bravery to protect the lives or property of others. The other honourees include people who rescued others from a vehicular accident; those who have put their life at risk to rescue others from fire; and those who bravely assisted others during an attack.

“Mr Te Reo Haronga displayed considerable bravery for his actions during the rescue of an elderly para-glider from the sea at Warriewood Headland, New South Wales on 15 November 2020,” his award citation said.